Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Chicken Soup for the Soul

During my recent trip to the library in West Mall, Bukit Batok, I found a series of books called Chicken Soup for the Soul. I borrowed 2 of these books; namely Older and Wiser, and Dads and Daughters.

The former made me shed tears many times because of the touching short stories. The latter gave me an insight on the love from a father to his daughter.

In each book, there are 101 short stories and it is not dragging.

Have a look at these books during your next trip to the library. They give you some inspirations in life.


Anonymous said...

i read many many of the chicken soup books too last time...love them all. next time when your daughter is older...can get for her the chicken soup for the teenage soul series - pretty good! - D_M

Anonymous said...

Hi DM,
Thanks for sharing.
Am reading its Mothers and Daughters. Very touching short stories! Will keep me occupied over the next few days.
