Friday, February 22, 2008

My Green Bean Plant

We drink green bean soup. We know what is green bean paste. We have even planted green beans and see how these beans germinate under the right conditions when young.

However, have you seen a green bean plant's flower? In December, I planted some green beans. I witnessed the tiny root emerged within a day. The young shoots appeared and later the plant started to grow with sufficient sunlight and water. However, its stem was quite weak during the initial stage and I almost thought that it would not survive long.

The will to grow is strong and its stem strengths as the day continues.

Now is late February, a small yellow flower from it has turned into a green bean pod. The pod is growing bigger each day.

I have witnessed the life cycle of a green bean plant.

I think soon, I will be able to "harvest" the green beans to cook my favourite green bean soup.

If I have the time, I will plant a potato, a garlic or others. So please continue to follow my blog and thanks.

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