After months of begging, I finally gave in to Isa's request - keep a hamster.
A mum kiddo was such kind to give me a hamster with all the necessary accessories to start. Isa could not wait to get it and Hammy arrived the next day when I returned from Jakarta.
It is a funny hamster. It does not like or know how to run on an exercise wheel. We put it on the wheel. It prefers to sleep under the wheel. It is a hoarder - typical characteristic of a hamster. We saw little bits of food in his nest. Kiddo mentioned some hamsters can be toilet-trained ie they will pee and poo at a certain place, but not our Hammy. So we let him does his business anywhere or everywhere he likes.
We bought Breeder Select (cat litter) for his bedding. He likes to dig around and so we have to put quite a lot of this recycled paper pellets.
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