Friday, July 31, 2009

Last Day of July 2009

Today is the last day of July 2009.

I have done quite a few things during this month.

First and the most important is I have my simple will written. Now is just waiting to meet the lawyer to sign.

Second, I did my financial review. The stock markets have gone up quite a bit and it is nice to see my RED into lesser RED!

Third, I celebrated my birthday which means I am a year older. Does this mean I am wiser?

I am looking forward to 1st Aug 2009 when I will be going to the Floating Platform to watch National Day Preview. I hope to take some good shots and put them up in my blog.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

INCOME's Capital Plus (1.8%pa for 2 years)

The financial market is getting hotter.

Today, INCOME launches its next series of Capital Plus - min 10k cash or SRS funds with 1.8%pa guaranteed for 2 years.

For more info, please see

I recalled during the last series, it was 2%pa for 2 years.

Monday, July 27, 2009

AIA S$Wealth Accumulator

Today, AIA has launched a 5 year single premium endowment policy with min 10k (cash) and guaranteed returns as follows

(i). For $10,000 to $49,999, yield is 2.55%
(ii). For $50,000 to $74,999, yield is 2.65% and
(iii). For $75,000 to $500,000, yield is 2.75%

Interested, please contact your AIA agent or authorised agents.

Baby Ethan LUONG (12 July 2009)

Little Ethan celebrated his first month in Basel, Switzerland on 12 July 2009.

All the relatives and friends sent their congratulations to him and his parents, Leon and Fong.

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Will Writing - in process

As mentioned earlier, I purchased a Will Pack from Promiseland Pte Ltd.

Today, I faxed my "requirements" to the law firm to get the draft done. The legal assistant has called to confirm that she has received my faxes. Most likely, the draft will be out then sign before August ends.

Yes, this may be considered a slow process but I am happy that finally I have done it.

The Will Writing is not that complicated as initially thought. Besides choosing and naming some executors (people to execute my will) . the guardians (people to take care of my young), the next is to list the persons whom I would like to give my assets to.

If you have not get your will done, please do so soon because nobody knows what will happen the next minute.
If you would like to know more about this simple Will Pack, please email me at

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Raindrops of all sizes

PARIS - FOR generations, schoolchildren have been taught that raindrops start as micro-droplets that then gather together in clouds with their neighbours to become bigger droplets.

Complex interaction between these droplets as they fall explains why raindrops come in such a remarkable range of sizes, goes this idea. But French scientists armed with ultra-fast video footage say something else happens on the way down - and this is why rainfall can range from fine droplets to chubby plops.

Initially, a raindrop starts to fall as a sphere, but then flattens out into a pancake shape.

Eventually, as the pancake widens and thins, the onrush of air causes it to hollow out, like an upturned bag.

The bag then inflates beyond the ability of the water's tension to hold things together and bursts into lots of smaller droplets. The whole process takes only several thousands of a second. But when the droplets hit the ground, the most numerous by far are very small, while large drops are comparatively few.

'Rainfall does indeed start through coalescence in the clouds but something quite different happens on the way down, and this explains the diversity of raindrop sizes,' said Emmanuel Villermaux, who co-wrote the study with Benjamin Bossa of the Aix-Marseille University in southern France.

'Each drop breaks up individually, independently of its neighbours, on its way to earth.'

Way back in 1904, scientists noted that raindrops came in different sizes. The hypothesis was that droplets which bump into other droplets coalesce and become bigger, while smaller droplets are those that did not bump into as many other droplets.

But the new paper, published online in the journal Nature Physics, says the process is in fact much simpler than thought.

The findings could have practical applications in understanding rainfall patterns and in crop spraying, said Mr Villermaux.

'Understanding how droplets will be distributed can be very important. Take pesticide spraying, for instance. With most sprayers in use today, all it takes is a slight breeze for half of the pesticide to end up in the neighbouring field,' he said. -- AFP

source :

My comments:
I am amazed by the physics imvolved.
We know that as the water droplets start their fall from the top in the atmosphere, they collide with other droplets and coalescence to form bigger droplets. We failed to understand why droplets on the floor are not big at all until now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Giant Grasshopper

This big grasshopper caught outside my office is about 9am long. Look at its feelers which are almost longer than the whole body. An insect has 3 body parts. The 3 pairs of legs are attached to the thorax. The segments in the abdomen have breathing holes. All these we have learnt from primary school's Science can be seen clearly in this grasshopper.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quick Update

Oops, I have not been updating my blog for quite some days. Allow me to defend myself.

(1) J went to Brest, France for a week (4-12 July). He brought his laptop and we were able to keep in touch despite the time difference of 6 hours. It was quite a tough week for him as he attended meetings in the morning till 8pm each night. Even on the last day of his trip, he was still attending meeting. Just a few hours he boarded his flight from Brest to Paris, he managed to grab a few boxes of chocolates for me and Isa.

(2) I reviewed my insurance policies. This review has almost become my yearly affair during the month of July. I will be getting my will written and have bought a single premium plan from TM Asia. Thanks to wilfred who has provided much assistance and advice.

(3) Ethan, the son of Leon and Fong, celebrated his first month on 12 July. Born in Zurich and it will be his first time making his trip to Basel to see his grandparents. I am waiting for his photos to arrive.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Part Time Work Portal

Ex NTUC Income Chief, Mr TAN KL launched a part time work portal

This portal is useful for people who are now not employed and for students during the vacation.
There is no charge to register in this portal or to search for workers.

For those who are keen, please visit

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

MOH stops listing H1N1 cases

STARTING Wednesday, the Ministry of Health will no longer track the total number of Influenza A (H1N1) infections here, or the number of cases from affected countries.

That information has been removed from the ministry's flu website,

The World Health Organisation on Tuesday announced that countries were no longer required to report all their confirmed H1N1 cases and deaths.

Instead, the ministry is tracking the proportion of H1N1 infections among all tested flu cases here.

As of this week, 13 per cent of patients with flu-like symptoms were infected with H1N1.
These biosurveillance statistics will be updated weekly.

The ministry is also tracking the number of H1N1 patients who have been hospitalised with more severe symptoms.

As of Tuesday, 85 such at-risk patients were in hospitals, including one man in intensive care.


In addition, as of 7 July 2009, there were 1217 confirmed H1N1 cases in Singapore.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Jokes-part 2

Record IV
A nurse saw a patient writing a letter. She got curious and went to take a peek. But the patient didn't wanna let her see.
Nurse (unable to contain her curiosity): "Who are you writing to?"
Patient: "I'm writing a letter to myself..."
Her curiosity grew and she thought to herself (Why would someone write a letter to himself?)
So she asked again: "So...what's written inside?"
Patient (got impatient): "You crazy ah? I haven't received the letter, how would I know??"

Record V
Two patients escape from the IMH. They climbed up a tree and one of them fell from the tree and started rolling on the ground.
After a while, the patient below shouted to the one on top: "Hey! How come you are not coming down yet?"
The patient on top replied: "No. no...I can't...I'm not ripe yet"

Record VI
One patient visited the doctor: "Doc...How? I think I'm a chicken since the day I was born..."
Doctor: "Wah! That’s very serious...Why do you only come and seek treatment now?"
Patient: "Because my family needs me to hatch the eggs..."

Record VII
One truck driver was doing his usual delivery to IMH. He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to go home. He jacked up the truck and took the flat tyre down.
When he was about to fix the spare tyre, he accidentally dropped all the bolts into the drain.
As he can't fish the bolts out, he started to panic. One patient happened to walk past and asked the driver what happened.
The driver thought to himself, since there's nothing much he can do; he told the patient the whole incident.
The patient laughed at him & said "can't even fix such a simple wonder you are destined to be a truck driver..."Here’s what you can do, take one bolt each from the other 3 tyres and fix it onto this tyre. Then drive to the nearest workshop and replace the missing ones, easy as that"
The driver was very impressed and asked "You're so smart but why do are you here at the IMH?"
Patient replied: "Hello, I stay here because I'm crazy not STUPID!"

Jokes-part 1

Record I
Patient A: "So how... this book not bad yah?"
Patient B: "Yah agree, excellent! Astounding work. No nonsense, sharp and concise to the point. But there's a major flaw in this piece of art – too many character names to remember!!!"
Nurse: "Hey! Can the two of you put the telephone book back to the original place?"

Record II
A doctor asked a patient: "If I were to cut one of your ears off, what will happen to you?"
Patient: "Then I will not be able to hear..."
Doctor: "Hmm…that's if I were to cut your other ear off, whatwill happen then?"
Patient: "I will not be able to see..."
The doctor became nervous and asked: "Why would you not see then???"
Patient: "Because my spectacles will fall off..."

Record III
IMH has an old lady who wears black, carries a black umbrella and squats at the entrance to the IMH everyday without fail, rain or shine.The doctor wanted to administer treatment for her but decided to understand her behavior first.
So, the doctor also wears black and carries a black umbrella; squatted besides her everyday. The days go by...the two of them squatted side-by-side w/o a single exchange of word.
After one solid month, the old lady finally broke the silence and asked the doctor: "Err...Excuse me! Are you also a mushroom?"

Saturday, July 04, 2009

TM Nest Egg (SP-Guaranteed 3)

TM Asia Life launched a single premium 5 year plan with min 15k and a guaranteed coupon payout of 2.5%pa for 5 years.

For more info, please visit .PDF

A brief description as follows:
Pay 15k to this insurer, get 2.5% ie $375 per year for 5 years.
At the end of the 5 years period, get back the principal ie 15k. The total coupon collected is $375*5 = $1875.

This plan may be suitable for those who can leave the 15k (ie any amount to be invested) aside as an early termination involves penalty ie money received will be LESS than 15k.