What a great contrast; yesterday's weather was cloudy and wet, today was hot and sunny.
Today is the last day of Navy Open House. The Open House started on 20 May and the last 2 days (22 & 23 May) were open to public. Free shuttle bus will operate from Singapore Expo. The journey from Singapore Expo to Changi Naval Base was quite a distance.
J has a special car-park label and thus we were spared from taking the public transport.
We reached Changi Naval Base slightly around 9.30am. It was already very crowded. Lots of people queued for the Duck Tour. We saw the waiting time was close to 120 minutes! OMG, I was glad that Isa was willing to give it up.
We boarded some ships including RSS Intrepid and RSS Resolution. It was an enriching experience climbing up and down the narrow stairs in the ships.
There were some air-con tentages showcasing the Navy's Capabilities. These tentages were a good hiding place from the hot sun.
Around 1pm, the heat from the sun became too unbearable and D has already prepared our lunch. I was relieved to leave this place though Isa wanted to stay a bit longer.
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