Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Another woman helping herself with other's money

I read with disgust on the case "Ex-club managed jailed" reported on ST Breakingnews 30 Jan 2009. This is another case of "helping" herself with money that did not belong to her at all. One of her charges included forgery which reminded me various such cases.

One of the recent most "spectacular" case was a woman helping herself with more than 800k reported in early January.

Common among these women; they lead a lavish lifestyle, spent well beyond their means, incurred huge credit card bills and these bills just went out of control in no time. As a result, they started thinking how to dip into company funds or funds that did not belong to them at all etc.

They are not uneducated and in fact, they are smart enough to forge signatures on cheques, transfer monies from various sources to their own bank accounts etc. Their methods worked well enough to deceive companies, banks and various authorities. By the time their crimes have been discovered, severe damages have been done to the victims.

May I suggest Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) work hand in hand, to examine loopholes present in the current system which has resulted so many forgery cases during the past few months?

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