Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Wish...

Last year when I met a real serious problem, I wish I had study law and became a lawyer. I wanted to know more about legal knowledge to help solve this problem. 

When one of my family member has cancer, I wish I had study medicine and became a doctor. I wanted to know why cancer cells are so stubborn and so resistant to drugs and chemo. They were able to mask themselves and reappear elsewhere later. I wanted to find a way to kill all these cancer cells. Just like dumping rubbish, I wanted to get rid of them completely. The cells are so simple yet so important. They are living things but reproduce in a very unusual manner; they divide themselves.

When the severe earthquake struck Sichuan (China) on 12th May 2008, I wish I had study seismology and understand more about earthquakes which took away more than 12000 lives this time. The papers reported that thousands of frogs/toads were seen a few days prior the earthquake. These simple creatures were aware of the impending disaster but not the smart human beings.

I am nothing but a simple person.

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