Friday, May 23, 2008

Great Singapore Sale

The Great Singapore Sale (GSS) starts today. Armed with "Great on value, Small on price", many people will go all out to get value for money items.

Wait a minute, before you start your shopping spree, may I ask if you really need the items you have in mind or just simply want to have the items?

We must know the differences between "need" and "want". We need food. We want branded goods. Can you see the differences?

Yes, GSS is all out to entice people to open their wallets and take out their hard-earned cash. For me, I will exercise extra caution before taking out my wallet.

The inflation is at all time high. Things are getting more and more expensive.

Job security is always a real concern and one can never take his or her job as an iron rice bowl.

It is always better to save some money for rainy days.

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