Friday, November 26, 2010

Hammy has a good life

As a natural instinct, Hammy spends most of his time sleeping in his home. Books say a hamster is usually wide awake to look for food during the evening, my Hammy does not behave in this manner. He sleeps anytime and anywhere he likes.

Isa tries to play with him after our dinner. She helps him onto the running wheel and he tries to run. Maybe because he is quite fat, he does not exercise a lot.

Hammy's favourite food is not the dried sunflower seeds but fresh green leafy vegetables. He has 2 food bowls but only one is used at anytime. One is filled with the dried hamster food and the other green leaves and slices of carrot. He can eat up to 2 or even 3 medium size green vegetable leaves and 3 slices of carrot daily. I can see his eagerness on this fresh food whenever I put this bowl inside his cage. He will start dashing towards his bowl and start grabbing the food to eat. I am unsure his love for green vegetables is alright.

After his stomach is filled, he will spend quite some time cleaning his paws and grooming his body before he naps. During the day, he will start digging under his slide and make a mess on his bed linen. I take this as he is exercising.

So far, I have yet to hold him. Only Isa carries and plays with him. I am quite afraid of this creature.

Now I have an additional task, I have to ensure the fridge has green vegetables for Hammy. Hammy has a real good life!

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