Friday, December 04, 2009


Friend who know me, know I simply love this phrase TGIF.

Yes, Friday is always the day I look forward to eagerly as it marks the end of the working week and weekend is starting.

This week has been real stressful and tiring.

The parade will be next week. As this is a big event, everybody is trying their very best to give their best shot. As a result, it is rehearsal daily since the start of Dec.

Besides the parade, there will be a static display. All the items are out in the open, expose to the risk of rain, shine and wind.

Then following by various vetting and to ensure the parade will be carried out without fail, a wet programme has been in placed.

The whole workplace has been turned upside just for this parade. All personnel's leave has been postponed until the parade is over.

Acoss the various sections, people have been calling each other to give the latest update or progress in the preparation.

If this type of parade is to be held more often, I will surely quit my job.

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