Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

In year 1996, Christmas was spent on moving house. J & I moved to our current flat. This year, we had something special again for Christmas. We did not move house but almost.

To accommodate a new tv console which will arrive on Boxing Day, J has to move the current tv rack to elsewhere. The only possible space would be the spare room. But the spare room was filled with books, empty boxes and plenty of other things. J finally hardened his heart to throw away plenty of books. Isa also busy clearing her book shelves. She dumped many soft toys too.

We realised over the past 13 years, we have accumulated so much rubbish. There were so many things which looked familiar yet seldom used. If there is something which you did not use for 2 years, chances are you can dump it. This is my so-called motto.

Today, we merely offloaded some things but with the arrival of a new tv console, we are almost back to square one; one in and one out.

The tv has been moved to the master bedroom. The little tv used to be in the master bedroom has been moved to the guest room. J will start hunting for a new tv.

OMG, J plans for a 32 inch or 37 inch tv to be put on the new tv console! Another new toy to arrive at my home!

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