Thursday, March 27, 2008

2nd workfare payment of $149m to be given out in April 2008

THE second Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) payment totalling $149 million will be given out to workers on April 1, said the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on Monday.

Together with the first payment in January, some 262,000 workers would have received WIS totalling $272 million for work done in 2007 next month.

The second payment will be both in CPF and cash. The cash portion will be credited into their bank account.

Self-employed persons (SEPs) and informal workers will receive their second WIS payment on May. Those who have yet to register or make their Medisave contributions, may still receive their full WIS in May if they register, declare their income and make their Medisave contributions by March 31, said MOM.

But SEPs and informal workers who declare their income and make their contributions for work done in 2007 after March 31, will receive their WIS after May.

The provisional payment made in January was given to some 287,000 workers, including 54,000 self employed and informal workers.

To facilitate registration and Medisave contributions by SEPs and informal workers, the ministry and the Central Provident Fund Board have been organising community outreach events.

'We encourage SEPs and informal workers earning less than $1,500 per month to register for WIS and enjoy its benefits,' said MOM.

For queries on the WIS scheme, email or call the hotline number at 1800 -2222-888 (Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm).

(source :

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