Thursday, December 30, 2010

Last 2 days of 2010

After I returned from my holidays in Taiwan, I was busy with tackling my persistent cough and office work. The office work has piled up so much since I was away for almost 3 weeks!

This is one of the bad points for doing office hour instead of shift duty; the work follows me even if I am away from the office.

I guess it must be the cold and wet weather in Taiwan that caused me to cough badly despite seeing the doctor. The phelgm in my throat seems not being able to clear completely and constantly irritate my throat, causing me to cough.

In terms of office work, more briefings and presentations coming up. My role as a secretary is not to the mark. The seniors have complained that my work was lousy. I should not throw in the towel so fast but perhaps give myself more chances before I accept the outcome.

My training role is also not moving anywhere and the big boss is quite unhappy that there is no progress in this area. She does not understand or refuse to be aware that I am busy with other tasks.

No signs of promotions but signs of heavier workload waiting for me.

Ok, I should be thankful that I still have a decent job.

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