Thursday, January 07, 2010

Start of Year 2010

A new academic year has started on 4 Jan 2010. Isa is now a Primary 5 girl.

The first day of school did not start off well due to the heavy rain in the early morning. The traffic was slow and visibility was greatly affected by the wet weather. Isa wanted to reach her school earlier as she has some duties to perform. This certainly gave me some pressure as I was a slow and timid driver.

I reached my office on time to start work which was a great relief.

As expected, lots of emails both from office and personal to read. The report to HOD has been submittied and finally approved.

Now the next is a presentation during a Knowledge Sharing Session. I have started preparing it but unsure if the audience would enjoy it.

J may be heading overseas again at the end of this month. OMG, Chinese New Year is just round the corner.

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