Friday, November 27, 2009

No bonus for civil servants

APART from their regular 13th month wage supplement, civil servants will not be receiving any other bonus next month.

However, they will receive a one-off payment of a quarter month's pay subject to a cap of $750. This is to acknowledge their support for wage restraint during the recession, the Public Service Division (PSD) said on Thursday.

The 60,000 civil servants also went without a mid-year bonus this year.

This means that civil servants - from the Customs officer to the Cabinet minister - end the year with 1.25 months in extra payment, one of the smallest bonus packages in recent history.

The Singapore economy is expected to shrink by 2 per cent to 2.5 per cent this year.

At the end of 2007, when the economy grew 7.5 per cent, the average civil servant took home about three months' pay in bonuses.


My comments:
Taking inflation into consideration, we are having a pay-cut. The 13th month pay is mainly to pay tax. There are 52 weeks in a year which translates into 13 months. So that 13th month rightfully is our salary and not bonus at all.

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