Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last Few Days of 2008

I always feel moody during the last few days of a year. This year is no exception too.

After celebrating Christmas, New Year is just round the corner. I will always ask myself what have I done or achieved in the current year. Very often than not, I will find that I did not manage to do what I should be doing or intend to do. Excuses such as busy and irregular working schedule always crop up to make myself feel better.

Plenty of "big" events happened in 2008. These include Beijing Olympics, Formula One Night Race, escape of a detainee, death of a local in Mumbai Terrorists' Attack, etc.

Plenty of "personal" events include death of my mother-in-law, illness of a family member, etc.

Nobody knows what will happen in the new year 2009.

I pray for Good Health for Everybody.

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