Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My mother-in-law

I have been thinking for a long time if I should pen this personal issue in my blog.

The days of my mother in law are really numbered. After battling so many years with cancer, she finally lost. She has been sleeping most of her days. Her sleeping hours are certainly much more than the hours when she remains alert and conscious. She has not been eating much too.

Her body systems are shutting down. She does not need much food since she does not have much energy left.

Her eyes are closed most of the time even when she is awaken. She is aware of the surroundings. I told her that she did not have to worry much. Isa has done well in her studies and I will take good care of her.

She can't move by herself. She is very weak. Her limbs feel cold and pale. She breathes heavily. All these are signs of death is very near.

Although I have read about death quite some time ago, when it is near, I feel fear and anxiety. I feel so helpless and weak. I can't do anything except to watch by her bedside.

"Mother, we will take good care of ourselves."

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