Friday, August 08, 2008


8th August 2008 is believed to be a very lucky day.

I shared a similar view. Let me explain why.

Remember my container of caterpillars? It was misplaced. Isa brought it to the school to show it to friends and teachers. Then in a rush to return home, left it behind. For the whole night (yesterday), we were quite moody.

Today (08-08-08), Isa found it outside the classroom. The creepy crawlies were still alive; still nibbling the leaves eagerly.

Today is also the school's Sports Day and this was the first time Isa won a medal in the races. Look, it was no ordinay medal; the team came in first and Isa got a "gold" medal from the Vice Principal.

I am very sure today will bring you lots of Good Luck too.

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