Friday, April 11, 2008

My Sister's Resignation

One of my sisters just dropped me a bombshell; she has tendered her letter of resignation!

She is a school teacher with 2 young schooling kids. Since her kids entered the primary school, she has complained very often that she simply has not much quality time left for her precious kids. The thought of tendering resignation has surfaced often.

Recently, she received her performance bonus. She was at the top of the world because she received quite a lot more as compared to her previous years.

Today, she told me that after spending nearly fifteen years at the same job, she not only feel drained out and also find no time left to be spent with her kids.

The kids are growing up fast. Time never stops for anybody. Do you have the same problem; that you spent too much time on your job/career to gain more recognition and higher salary, that you do not have even a little bit of time or energy left for your loved ones?

Today, spend some time to enjoy a good meal with your loved ones, spend some time to be with them, maybe even watch the tv drama together.

I have already decided to knock off earlier from my workplace to spend more time with my family. I certainly hope you can plan to do so.

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