Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My sister's worry

My sister became paranoid with dread diseases as she entered age 40. We know, with the multi-roles women are juggling today, stress is inevitable and this may expose them to a greater chance of diseases. In Singapore, Cancer is the number one killer; 28.5% deaths are due to Cancer in the Principal Causes of Death. In fact, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases and Stroke together accounted for about 60% of the total causes of death. (source: www.moh.gov.sg, last updated in June 2006)

She is covered with an “as-charged” SHIELD plan for hospitalization and surgical bills. She has coverage against the 30 Critical Illness or Dread Diseases, which are clearly defined in the policy contract.

After discussing and fully understood her concerns and budgets, I recommended AIA Glow of Life. This is a female-related critical illness and disease term plan specially designed for the protection needs of women.

Its Benefit Schedule includes:
a) Female Cancers – 100% of principal sum,
b) Systemic lupus erythematosus (S.L.E.) with lupus nephritis – 100% of principal sum
c) Rheumatoid arthritis – 100% of principal sum
d) Osteoporosis – 30% of principal sum
e) Carcinoma-in-situ of the female organs – 20% of principal sum, etc

You may ask, why my sister needs an extra layer of coverage against these female-related illness? She is extremely concern with the rising inflation and escalating medical costs, especially during her old age. She does not want to become a financial burden for her family, should she suffered from a serious illness, which usually requires a long-term care or treatment. It is better to be well-insured than under-insured.

If she has been younger and without much coverage against Critical Illness, I would recommend AIA Woman of Wisdom, which includes Maternity Benefit and 26 Critical Illness Benefit. In addition, a free medical check-up is included once every two years for both plans, to ensure any early detection of potential medical problem.

Is your beloved wife, mother, precious daughter or even yourself (lady friends) protected against these diseases or illness? For a peace of mind for all your loved ones, don’t delay and then later procrastinate, please feel free to call or email me to find out more about these plans.
(For age 36-40 & $25,000 coverage in Glow of Life, the monthly premium starts as low as $25.15)

Now I hope that a similar plan meant for men would be available in the market soon, so that I can get my father, brother-in-laws and of course, myself covered.

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